Good data and good science lead to better management decisions.

For industry partners, research is a unique way to take part in keeping the fishery sustainable for the long term.

The convergence of buyers, fishermen and academics performing scientific research can yield valuable insights, consumer education, and positive industry transformation.
— Bill Carvalho, Wild Planet

ARF data continues to impact the fishery in important ways.

The key to responsible, effective fishery management is information. Every data point collected in every study adds to the aggregate of information that managers and industry can use to better advocate for appropriate access to this sustainable fishery.

From spawning behavior to migration patterns and every factor in between, this collaboration between scientists and industry provides researchers unique access to the Pacific Albacore Tuna stock that otherwise might be financially prohibitive.

The result is a cost effective approach to build data points that yield a more complete profile of the life history of this amazing fish.