We are industry professionals committed to the health of Pacific Albacore Tuna and adapting to changing ocean conditions.

ARF Processors/Buyers:

These companies generously support the Albacore Research Foundation, dedicating their resources toward research and sustainable management of Pacific Albacore Tuna. Through their unwavering commitment, they have significantly contributed to the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of sustainable practices of this remarkable species. Their collaboration with ARF serves as a testament to the key role that companies can play to create a thriving future for our industry.

Bornstein Seafoods
Cal Marine Fish Company
Chicken of the Sea
Da Yang Seafood
Oregon Seafoods
Pacific Seafood
Tri Marine
Westport Seafood
Wild Planet

ARF Fishermen:

Fishermen play an invaluable role in supporting the Albacore Research Foundation, dedicating their expertise and resources toward keeping Pacific Albacore Tuna stocks healthy, sustainable and accessible. For over 50 years, fishermen have participated in research that has played an essential role in creating the future of this industry. The following fishermen serve on the ARF board:

Jeremy Brown, F/V Betty H
Lewis Hill, F/V Holly H
Doug Fricke, F/V Howard H
Henry deRonden-Pos, F/V New Dawn
Rick Goche, F/V Peso II
Shawn Ryan, F/V San Pablo
Karl Johnson, F/V Seven Daughters

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